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     Writing is a process that is always in flux and development. Each student that comes to my classroom has their own process, their own thoughts and ideas and, even, misconceptions. I view my role not as the master handing down lessons to the students, but rather as a mentor, a guide, and sometimes even a cheerleader. My goal is to foster students’ existing abilities and to help them cultivate new skills. I want them to see writing as a collaborative act, and to do so they must see me as a collaborator.


     I also want my students to see writing for what it is: an integral part of everyday life. Writing is not something contained to English courses, or even college. It’s all around them. I want them to understand how writing practices adapt to situation and how the skills they develop in school might transfer into everyday situations.


     How do I do this? My goal is to provide structure, boundaries for students to work in, and then set them free. I want to give the student as much choice and control as possible. I don’t want to restrict their writing to specific styles and genres. I want them to pick what direction they want to go, and then I want to walk with them every step of the way.


     I also want to foster a sense of mindfulness about one’s work. Through guided reflection and self-analysis, students will become aware of their own writing habits -- what works and what doesn’t, their strengths and their weaknesses -- and reflect on ways to improve on these techniques.

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